[Download Free] Pixel Strike 3D - FPS Gun Game [8.0.0] APK (Full Mod) free for Android for Android

[Download Free] Pixel Strike 3D - FPS Gun Game [8.0.0] APK (Full Mod) free for Android for Android on APKTopMod

Download Free Pixel Strike 3D – FPS Gun Game APK (Full Mod) for Android on APKMod1.com

Are you ready to join Pixel Strike 3D – FPS Gun Game? This is the newest action game. This game develops Vulcron. Your devices have to be Android 4.4W and up. At now, this game is over 1,000,000+ downloads and installs on Google Play. Players are joined this game is increasing. Players are very attracted when playing this game. Let’s discovery this game now. Don’t forget to enjoy Pixel Strike 3D – FPS Gun Game with MOD APK free for Android on APKMod1.com now. Enter this game and enjoy

Pixel Strike 3D is a Multiplayer First-Person Shooter! This blocky shooting game brings fast-paced online FPS gameplay to your mobile device. With PC and Console style mechanics, this is not your average mobile gun game. It’s time to stop crafting and start shooting!

Pixel Strike 3D – FPS Gun Game Features

⚔️BATTLE! – Fight real players from all around the world in epic multiplayer matches!

👕CUSTOMIZE – Buy new hats, boots, gear, skins and more! Unlock rare gun skins!

🕹️MINIGAMES – Play fun minigames like Dodgeball, One in The Chamber, Duck Hunt, and more!

👪FRIENDS – Squad up! Add friends, invite them to games, and chat with them!

🧟 ZOMBIES – Survive the Zombie Apocalypse in Infected mode! Battle Royale rules – last man standing wins!

🎨 SKIN CREATOR – Make your own skins and use them in multiplayer!

🚩 CLANS – Make a clan, design your own logo, invite your friends, and top the leaderboards!

💣 PLANT THE BOMB! – The Police must stop the terrorists from planting the bomb!

🏆 LEADERBOARDS – Reach the top of the Daily and Weekly Leaderboards and win big rewards!

🎁 CASES – Win rare hats, weapons, and gun skins in epic case openings!

Level up your character in the many unique game modes, unlock new snipers, machine guns, pistols, RPGs, and even lightsabers! Upgrade your guns with attachments like silencers and red dot sights!

What are you waiting for? Download this epic cube world multiplayer shooter today!

What’s new

Minigames: Death Run and Dinner Party

17 new Minigame rewards

New cosmetic items

Classic maps: Factory, Summer Garden, High Noon


Player muting

Player stats save when leaving a match early

Colored scoreboard

AWP scope loses focus when jumping

Red skin color on hit fixed

Infected added to custom games

Improved touch controls

Improved cheat detection

A lot of bug fixes and improvements


1.Burn Damage Mod

  1. No Recoil

  2. Unlimited Ammo

  3. No Blur Scope

  4. Range Mod

  5. PelletCount (Idk)

  6. Nuke-Mod

  7. Gadget-Spam

  8. FOV Modifier

  9. No fire delay

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